About Ningiu

Ningiu is the Greenlandic word for grandmother, since I'm part Greenlandic and because handicraft reminds me of my grandmother and mother I find the name appropriate.

tirsdag den 1. december 2009

I got the blues...

…And the greys, and the greens, and pink, and yellow. And you can have some too.
I’m off course talking about Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy prints.

Here’s what you can win:

1 fat eight (app. 9 X 22 inch) of each floralprint shown above.
And here’s what you have to do to enter the giveaway:
Become a follower of my blog, or add my blog to your blogreader and leave me a comment that you did. (if you already are a follower leave me a comment about that)Remember to leave your email or blog info, so I can contact you. You need to do this before december 6. I will draw a winner on the 7th.
Commenters from all over the world a welcome
Thank you too sew mama sew for organizing this fantastic event.
I’m off to enter all the other great giveaways outthere.

208 kommentarer:

1 – 200 af 208   Nyere›   Nyeste»
RosaMaría sagde ...

wow! your giveaway is so great! i love those fabrics but i don't have it! (i'm already your follower). Muchas gracias! my fingers are crossed now!!

Anonym sagde ...

I would LLLLOOOOVE these I am a follower now thanks so much

Amanda sagde ...

I'm a follower!

bellsjo sagde ...

Already follow you! Love you blog and your great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

teaginny sagde ...

You're already on my blogroll!

Steffi´s Candy Quilts sagde ...

Hello! I am already a follower of your interesting blog. I would LOVE to win the beautiful fabrics! :-)

Bear sagde ...

I just subscribed! Love your site - and thanks for the chance to win!

Wendy sagde ...

I love your blog...added it to my google reader at least two months ago! Would love a chance to win :)

caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

Nicole Follow the White Bunny sagde ...

Ooh too tempting! Had to enter :) You're in my Google friend connectthingy/blog following Reader list so guess I am one of those and I've bookmarked you too (do I get two entries now?) :) Mange tak!

carmel sagde ...

what a dream!!!! wow!!!!
i am allready a follower of yours thanks!!!


Doris sagde ...

I just added you to my Google Reader...

They are just lovely fabrics, aren't they? Sigh...

Doris in Des Moines

jacquie sagde ...

you're already on my reader! what a lovely giveaway! thanks for giving us the chance to win!

Sandi sagde ...

Just added your blog to my list! Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

Jennifer sagde ...

Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! You are already in my Google Reader!

CitricSugar sagde ...

I have you on my blogroll. Lovely giveaway!

Tacha sagde ...

Isa - what a generous giveaway. I am already a follower ;-)

Anonym sagde ...

...I'm a happy new follower, grateful for this generous chance! :o)

Hugs from Italy,

Tanya sagde ...

The great thing about these days is that I get introduced to a whole lot of blogs I have never visted before. Your giveaway is great, I love those fabrics and I think I will make some of your coasters

Blancei sagde ...

Just followed you...love your giveaway!

Bec sagde ...

I am a follower. These are beautiful fabrics xx B.

Lia sagde ...

Ooooh I love giveaway :) thanks for the chance to win :)

Johanna sagde ...

I just added you :) Thank you for the great giveaway!

leslie sagde ...

what a great blog! i am glad you posted a giveaway. i love to find good blogs with beautiful quilts for inspiration! i am a happy follower now. you can follow me at girlfromtulsa.blogspot.com. it is fairly new but i am slowly completing a few things. i am working on my stash now and would dearly love some FMF. i arrived late in the game and to date only have two prints... :(...it takes time though. this is a great and very generous giveaway. thank you for the opportunity.

Megs sagde ...

I am a follower! WOw, what a giveaway, I have been pining after those FMF prints so this is soooo generous! I have my fingers crossed!

... sagde ...

great giveaway. i'm follower

isabel f. sagde ...

love those fabrics :))
please count me in!!
and go to my blog
I'm hosting this giveaway too :))
HUGS from Portugal :)))

Anne at Film and Thread sagde ...

I would love to win the fabric and I subscribe to your blog in my RSS reader!

Michele sagde ...

Thanks for another fun and creative blog!

Donna sagde ...

Love love love you and your giveaway, Isa. You're in my google reader and I am happy that you're there!!

kindredcrafters (at) gmail (dot) com

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) sagde ...

Wow! Great giveaway!! I'm already a follower of you.

Mare sagde ...

Ok, I think now I am a follower, I'm not sure I know how to become a follower, anyway I added you to my list of favorites which I always check! Love that fabric!

andrea creates sagde ...

Wow-flea market fancy!!
I don't see your followers button??I'll mark down your blog-will that count?

~Heather sagde ...

Lovely collection of fabrics, has me thinking ahead to spring already! ~H

ktb38 sagde ...

What lovely fabric! I added you to my blogreader!

machen und tun sagde ...

of course you are on my blogroll already :-) thanks for this great giveaway!! take care and have a wonderful advent,

Jill sagde ...

I just became a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Needled Mom sagde ...

OMG!!!! I think I am getting the blues too. Great giveaway! Thanks for participating.

Melissa sagde ...

Those fabrics are lovely! I just became a follower- thanks!

Katie sagde ...

Wow. What a great giveaway. There's going to be some serious competition for this one! I just added you to my blog reader.

lesleyandsara sagde ...

i love FMF and now i'm following your blog!


two hippos sagde ...

Lovely! I've added you to my blog reader!

Anonym sagde ...

such wonderful fabric! happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/

the mama monster sagde ...

i would love love love these! i am a follower of your great blog now.

intastellaburst sagde ...

That fabric is lovely! I'm following your blog with interest.

Bea sagde ...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I'm going to put you in my google reader.

Mama Lusco sagde ...

I'm a new follower. THank you! alusco@centurytel.net

acmcs sagde ...

Just added you. THanks for the giveaway op! toilandtrouble [at] spambog [dot] com

Kitty Vane sagde ...

Your giveaway is wonderful, as are your quilts! I wish I could make such lovely quilts too, and I'm adding your blog to my feeds so I can be inspired by your creations.

Linnea sagde ...

Hey Isa! This giveaway is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing. I've got you in my blog reader :)

Nova sagde ...


Sarah Seitz sagde ...

Hi Isa!

I love those fabrics so much! I added you to my Reader! Can't wait to see what fun things you have in store!

Sarah @ http://comeandseetheseitz.com

Heidi sagde ...

when i read your post, i instantly turned into a 2 year old: i want, i want, i want :) lovely fabric - and i'm excited to follow your blog!

Lesly sagde ...

Great giveaway! I added you to my Reader feed.

Kat sagde ...

Hello from Texas! I love those fabrics, and I'm now following.

Sarah sagde ...

Great giveaway! I am now following :)

Ariel sagde ...

I'm following you in Reader! I'm a big fan! Aren't you so excited about your pillow from the swap?! So gorgeous! I've not received mine in the mail yet, but so excited! I would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for such a fun prize!

Anonym sagde ...

Of course I'm a follower!! :)

Sarah sagde ...

Added you to my bloglines.

Jenny sagde ...

I have added you to my blog reader, and after looking through your past posts, Im so glad I did. Your giveaway renders me giddy with anticipation that Christmas could come early this year...I missed the boat on this fabric and SO hope they reprint it. Thank you for you v kind giveaway.

Tim, Allyson, and kids sagde ...

Those are beautiful, I subscribe to your blog.

Catlin sagde ...

Beautiful fabric! I just added you, thanks!

Erica sagde ...

I am a happy new follower of your great blog!
Thank you!


Petit Design Co. sagde ...

I'm glad to have found your lovely and inspiring blog. I am now a reader through bloglines. Can't wait to go back and look at all of your projects. I love the hex pillow cover, by the way

Barbara sagde ...

Great giveaway!
Im a subscriber now!


abarb1000 at yahoo dot com

merlinthecat sagde ...

I am following!

Jaime sagde ...

I'm a follower now :)
Of course I got more interested in quilting and FMF after it was out of print. Lovely stuff!

Tara sagde ...

Go on, twist my arm! I'm a follower and look forward to finding out more about you! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!

fieryone sagde ...

Such a generous give-away! I'm a follower!

sandyandcosmo sagde ...

I'm following, thanks for the giveaway!

leigh sagde ...

oooooh! I'd love to win these beauties! I'm adding you to my google reader.

Joanna sagde ...

Hello Isa:

I am in the U.S., and I have signed up to received your feed. I love your pillows, and if I win the fabric, the colors of which I love, I will try to make one. Thank you.

sewfunky sagde ...

I have you on my google reader!

Zura sagde ...

oh wow...what a great giveaway! i'm a follower now! i wish i found your blog earlier, you're very creative! i will visit often, thanks! :)

Rose sagde ...

I am a follower. This fabric is gorgeous.

My email is available in my profile :)

Aaron and Consuelo sagde ...

I'm entering you to my blog list. Thanks for the opportunity to win some great fabric!!

Rhiannon sagde ...

Following in my google reader. such a great giveaway!

debra lynn sagde ...

I'm following in googlereader, you have lots of cute stuff on your blog!

kjansma sagde ...

I just became a follower on bloglines. Great giveaway and lovely blog!

Julia Gabriel sagde ...

Love love love the quilt in the header! I am a follower and will come back to browse :)

The Fam sagde ...

This collection is beautiful! I'm a follower!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Anonym sagde ...

love the fabric collection!
Also, I'm a follower.

eustella at gmail dot com

Anonym sagde ...

love the fabric collection!
also, i'm a follower.


eustella at gmail dot com

Tong sagde ...

Wow, that's so generous of you! I caught the sewing bug after the FMF has gone out of prints so I couldn't get my hands on any, I would so love to win!! I'm following the blog!

michelou sagde ...

Great giveaway! I am now following your blog. Looks like you've got some pretty amazing quilts!!

Giveaway day is awesome.


Anonym sagde ...

Count me in! JAA074@aol.com Blog: http://fiber.typepad.com/gehringroad/

Jessie Lathroum sagde ...

Jessie Lathroum = follower ;) Awesome giveaway by the way, thanks!

Vicki @ DottyJane sagde ...

What a wonderful prize! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm following your blog!

Sew Flippin Cool sagde ...

I'm a follower. Thanks! Love this fabric!!

Jody sagde ...

I'm a follower! What a fantastic giveaway...crossing my fingers AND toes:)

Jessica sagde ...

What gorgeous fabrics! I have become a follower of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity!


Tanya sagde ...

I'm a follower.

Beautiful fabric, you are ver kind to give it away!

mommymae sagde ...

what a great giveaway. and i love looking at all of these blogs to find more that i really like! following!

woolly smile sagde ...

following u via yahoo mail ;)

Sofia ;) sagde ...

Wow I love your giveaway!!!Great colors!!!
I'm following you via google.

hands_of_gold sagde ...

what a generous giveaway...
thank you from the other side of the world...

happy holidays!

paige sagde ...

Follower! Love the fabric:)

sewtakeahike sagde ...

Isa this is such a fabulous giveaway! I've added you to my google reader! Do you mind if I link up to your giveaway on FMFF? Please let me know!

Greta sagde ...

I became a follower. And I can't believe you are giving away FMF. I am so excited! Have you seen the petition to have it reprinted. I missed out on the first round of FMF since I am new to quilting but it has to be one of my favorite designs ever and this and the seedlings pattern are by far my favorite :)

Simply Sarah sagde ...

Great fabric! I'm a new follower!

Jennipher sagde ...

Your creations are beautiful. I added you to my google reader so I can keep up with what you are doing. I enjoy quilting as well, but it takes me years and years to finish one. Lately it is little felt wild birds that keep my hands busy. You can check me out at


Crystal Hendrix sagde ...

I am a follower! And that material is so pretty!

Megan sagde ...

Hi Isa! I am that lucky recipient of your fabulous pillow! I think it likes its new home on our sofa - we certainly love it!
Thanks for the chance to enter for the FMF, I am now a follower!


SheilaC sagde ...

Great giveaway!! I now follow you in Google reader

Thank you for the opportunity to enter.



Melissa @Lilac Lane sagde ...

I can't read your language, but your page seems cool. I'm following now! Hope I can win!

Unknown sagde ...

I added you to my blogreader. Thank you for a great giveaway! Love those fabrics.
Merry Christmas!!!

Karamat sagde ...

What a great giveaway!! I'm now following your blog.

Heather sagde ...

Hello my danish friend! I am now a follower (you have been on my favorite list for forever, but now I actually "followed" you on here.
I would love that fabric, so please count me in!
Happy Holidays!

Jodi Renshaw sagde ...

I am a new follower of your lovely blog :)

Thank you.


Miss Prickly sagde ...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm now a follower,

Simply EC sagde ...

Such beautiful fabrics! Count me in! I'm a follower!

SweetLeafT sagde ...

Hello! I'm a follower and added you to my blog list. Thank you for participating in this great give away!

Jules@MoonCatFarms sagde ...

What a lovely giveaway. Thank you so much for entering me in the drawing. I am a new follower.

Angela D. sagde ...

Great giveaway. I'm a follower.

Silka sagde ...


Thank you for having a giveaway,

silkaphyllis at gmail.com

Catherine sagde ...

Isn't this such sweet fabric! Can't believe your giving it away! I follow your blog in my google reader!! Love your blog, so glad I found it.

Mama24Monkeys sagde ...

Beautiful fabric...I am a follower
kbsteuber at yahoo dot com

SisterlyLove sagde ...

Following your blog!

BEAUTIFUL fabric! :)


Imcombobulated sagde ...

What a generous giveaway! I'm a new follower.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!

kimmieluwho at yahoo dot ca

baukje sagde ...

I love the fabric and I hope I am a follower now, I didnot understand at all waht was going on!!!!!!

miss fancy sagde ...

Have just become a follower! Great Blog, Fab Giveaway!

sarah in the woods sagde ...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the opportunity.

Jodi sagde ...

You're on my goolge reader. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown sagde ...

I've added you to my Google Reader and look forward to reading more on your blog.

Tricia sagde ...

I know lots of people that would love to get their hands on this. Thanks for the chance! I'm a follower now!


Dresden sagde ...

I LOVE your work, I just clicked to follow you. It only took two second scrolling down the page to see that I would love to follow you just to see all your amazing projects! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa sagde ...

I'm a follower now!f

TerriB sagde ...

What beautiful fabrics. I'm now following!

Kim sagde ...

I was already a follower and love your blog!

Amber sagde ...

I subscribed via google reader to your blog!

Karen sagde ...

I am so excited for a chance to win these gorgeous and precious fabrics! Thanks for the opportunity.

Karen sagde ...

I am also a follower of your blog. It's fun to see your creations! I like the hexagon pillow.

Unknown sagde ...

I love this fabric! I've added you to my google reader.


RyanSarahN sagde ...

very pretty fabrics, thanks! I'm a follower.

C. Michele sagde ...

I added you to the list of blogs I frequent. Beautiful fabric!

cassandra.pendergraff (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonym sagde ...

I loved seeing all the goodies you made for the school craft fair! Busy busy busy!!
I've added you to my google reader.

The Schaper Scene sagde ...

I love these prints! I am now a follower via bloglines (kikisblogs@hotmail.com)


Sara sagde ...

Amazing giveaway! I have become a follower via bloglines!

Inês sagde ...

hi! i've been reading your blog for some months now. you're on my google reader.
love your works and this denise schmidt fabric too!
thanks for the opportunity!

RockstarWife sagde ...

These fabrics are beautiful! Thanks for offering them in the giveaway!

I am a new follower of your blog too!

jessicaburggraaf (at) yahoo (dot) com

Brooke sagde ...

great fabric! Love this!

rheawhite sagde ...

Great fabric! I am a follower :)

Wrongtree09 sagde ...

Following. Thanks!

hcotten sagde ...

apparently, I jumped on the fabric bandwagon a little too late and this stuff was already out of print. I do love it and hope they bring it back.

Renee Prince, CPA sagde ...

I am now a follower to your great blog. I can't wait to read what you post in the future.

C-Joy sagde ...

I'm now a follower of your blog! I'm looking forward to reading your posts -thanks for participating :)

Gin sagde ...
Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.
Gin sagde ...

reading you on my Bloglines now. Thanks for the giveaway! patriciaconesa@gmail.com

Amanda sagde ...

I'm already a follower! Love FMF but don't own! Got into sewing a little too late. Would love to win these.

Lynn Osborne sagde ...

You're in my blogreader! Thanks for the chance to win!

Katie B sagde ...

I'm following! Thanks for the generous giveaway!!

Sara sagde ...

You are added to my Google Reader! Love your giveaway!

Amy sagde ...

Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the giveaway, I am following you now.

Barb sagde ...

Wow, such a generous give away! Thank you and I'm now a follower. I can't wait to read more...

Djaj sagde ...

I put your blog in my reader, hope I'm in for your great giveaway !

Kristin sagde ...

you got me! I don't usually follow blogs to win prizes, but with such a great prize I couldn't help it. :)
seemommysew @gmailDOTcom

Jiaying sagde ...

Pretty fabric. I'm a follower. Thanks.

CraftyHourMom sagde ...

What lovely fabrics! I'm a follower too now.

Lis Harwood sagde ...

Such a lovely giveaway, I'm a follower. Thanks fot the chance to win the cutest fabric in the world!

Rebecca sagde ...

I follow :) Great prints! And I love your blog name - me too!

by Daisy sagde ...

hello! i love your giveaway. i can't see the followers pannel, so i couldn't add myself, but i've put you on my blogroll, because i would like to stop by again some time!

~April~ sagde ...

I've added you to my reader! Thanks for the giveaway!

Calico Road sagde ...

Wow, I've always wanted some of this line. I'm a new follower.

liberal sprinkles sagde ...

boy, I really love the fabric. I am now a follower. Happy holidays :)

Spendlove sagde ...

I 've added you on my blog roll - thanks for the chance these fabrics are great. I don't have any and would love to get some - hee, heee happy holidays!

Megan sagde ...

Just added you to my blogreader! Thanks for the fun prize package!

and check out my giveaway at nadaletfamily.blogspot.com

ilovebabyquilts sagde ...

Love those fabrics! I'm a follower.

Jessica Christensen sagde ...

Would LOVE to win these fabrics. I am a follower. Thanks for a great chance!

Treasuresofjoy sagde ...

I am a folower and would pretty please love to win these fabrics!!!!!!!

CMEH sagde ...

I am following and looking forward to reading your blog in the future!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonym sagde ...

Oooh yummo! You can never have too much of this line I think :) THanks for the chance to win, I am a follower!

bethany sagde ...

Totally awesome, but great prints...ohh the things that I can do with them!!!

Leigh sagde ...

Ohhh I love those fabrics!!! Great giveaway! I'm a follower!

Anonym sagde ...

Beautiful fabrics! I've added you to my Google reader.

Thanks for the chance to enter!
lalestyleshop (at) gmail (dot) com

Peach Rainbow sagde ...

i follow!

ILuvBNaMom sagde ...

I love those fabrics. So pretty! I also love your coaster tutorial and the neat cup holders you made. Great blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonym sagde ...

thank you so much! I'm a follower!!!


Deanna sagde ...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm following your blog!

sarah c. sagde ...

i'm a follower! (I think... since it was in danish!) :)

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) sagde ...

I can't resist floral fabrics! I now follow your blog (although I have been reading off and on for the last 6 months).

Djaj sagde ...

I'm now a follower !

Grace sagde ...

Thanks for this giveaway, lovely fabrics and have now become a follower.

Kaye Prince sagde ...

I am a follower! I love Flea Market Fancy and I am part of the FMFF group too!

rockgranny sagde ...

Thanks for this giveaway, your fabrics are lovely and from now I'm a follower.

BixiandGoxi sagde ...

I'm a follower! Greetings from Germany!

Anonym sagde ...

Thank you for the chance to win! I became a follower of your lovely blog. :)

Serendipity Handmade + Vintage sagde ...

I'm now a follower...love the fabric...thanks for the giveaway!


Rhonda sagde ...

Love the fabric colors. I added your blog to my feed. I'm new at this but getting better. I don't have a blog page yet other then facebook, but when I get mine up, I'll try to let you know and link to your site. It is wonderful.
Thanks for being a part in the giveaway. Great prize.
rl.gillette @ gmail . com

Fowl Single File sagde ...

Those are lovely prints. Thanks for sharing and I just signed up to follow your fabulous blog!

marcela sagde ...

Thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

Kathy Manning sagde ...

I too have just signed up to follow your blog. i love your nine patch quilt that you made - gorgeous colours

Grace Wong sagde ...

I'm a follower!
Hope I win!

Lucie sagde ...

Your giveaway is absolutely awesome.
Thank you!!!
Lucie (contact LAupperlee@sheppardpratt.org)

Trisha sagde ...

Thanks for the giveaway. Love the fabric. I am a follower now:)

Madeleine sagde ...

FMF! I'm soooo crossing my fingers! I'm now a follower!

Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!

misszucchini at yahoo dot ca

Andrea sagde ...

I've added you to my Google-reader. Love your Euro Bee quilt!

Digital Misfit sagde ...

I LOVE Flea Market Fancy fabrics!The colors and patterns are so happy.
Thank you for this opportunity :)


♥Lola sagde ...

Great giveaway!


Meghan sagde ...

Love the fabrics, thanks!

Erin sagde ...

Hello! Thanks for participating. I have added you to my Google Reader. :)

texheks sagde ...

I love the quilt for the online quilt festival. Nice combination of fabrics!
Those floral fabrics look fabulous, I'd like to win and have added you to my google-page.
Thanks, Erica

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