I'm so glad I'm not the only one here :-)
And the winner is:
Jenny with number 2, I'll contact you shortly!
And for the rest of you, I'll show you a handy little finger-pincushion tutorial:
Start with a 4,5" inch square (I used a 5" square, and it turned out just a little too big)
Turn, and fill stuffing through the little gap, stuffing it firmly in the middle, and leaving the sharper points unstuffed.
Gather the two sharp points making them slightly ovelap.
Stitch them together forming a ring
3 kommentarer:
That is so cute!! (and useful!)
I don't know how to stop spam but you can change your comment settings so that you see them before they get published and can choose to delete them if they're spam... Good luck with it!
thanks for the tutorial and thank you very much for the giveawawy prize! im very excited to have a bit more Liberty fabrics! very kind of you!
This is so neat!
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